Companies Active in the UK - Profile
UK FC Number: FC1168 - HT - Heat Treatment
Contact: Mr Jamie Munro 
Organisation: Eco Pallets and Wood Fuels Ltd
Address: Fleet House, Unit 1 Wilcock Road
Old Boston Trading Estate
Haydock, Warrington
United Kingdom
Postcode: WA11 9SR
Telephone: 07403154932

Date Joined:

11 December 2020
Next Inspection: 28 January 2025

The above site has been approved by the Forestry Commission to supply ISPM15 compliant packaging.

UKWPMMP - 9 Cartwright Court, Cartwright Way, Bardon Hill, Leicester, LE67 1UE, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 116 274 7357, Fax: +44 116 274 7365, Email:
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