5th April 2019
Exemption from Retreatment and Remarking Protocol for Pallet Pool Publication
Following agreement by the UKWPMMP Advisory Council, the Forestry Commission/Forest Service (Northern Ireland) UKWPMMP Guide has been amended to include, at pages 5 & 6, in the ‘Repaired or Re-manufactured ISPM15 WPM’ section, reference to a high level protocol entitled “Addendum – Exemption from retreatment and remarking within the UKWPMMP”, which has been agreed with the Pallet Pool Operators ie EPAL/BREPAL, CHEP, LPR and Pooling Partners. The high level protocol acts as a framework for pallet pool operators within the UKWPMMP to follow should they decide to make exemption applications to the Forestry Commission in respect of their individual repair site operations.
Also included in the same section of the amended UKWPMMP Guide is information regarding the exemption application process for UKWPMMP participants to follow. Additionally, a helpful Q&A Document which supplements the ‘Addendum – Exemption from retreatment and remarking within the UKWPMMP’ has also been published to aid understanding of the new pallet pool exemption provision within the UKWPMMP.
All documents come into effect from today (5th April 2019.
UKWPMMP - Addendum Revision 4.0
The UKWPMMP Addendum QA
7th October 2013
The ISPM15 standard has been updated to include 'heat treatment using dielectric
heating (treatment code for the mark: DH)'
This is now available to
download here
23rd April 2013
Dielectric Heating (incl Microwaves) - Official adoption by FAO - CPM
The Commission on
Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) has recently adopted dielectric heat treatment as a
treatment in Annex 1 of ISPM 15. The ‘final’ revised ISPM 15 will be posted on
the IPP website in due course (expected to be within 2 weeks) and the official
notification will be in the CPM report, which will be published as soon as
possible (expected to be May/June).
See links below-
FAO Link
As soon as more information is available, we will let you know.
10th February 2010
We consulted with the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) and the UKWPMMP Advisory Council members last February about the possible phase out of methyl bromide fumigation within the UKWPMMP during 2009. Following representation from the BPCA, we agreed that fumigation services should be permitted to use their stocks of the fumigant until 18 March 2010. This accords with a notice, issued by the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD), which gave approval for the storage and use by any persons for the fumigant until 18 March 2010 in accordance with Commission Decision 2008/753/EC – Methyl Bromide – professional products.
All UKWPMMP participants are therefore reminded that fumigation services will cease to be able to use methyl bromide within the UKWPMMP with effect from
Friday 19th March 2010 and no further fumigation treatments will be permitted within the Programme on or after this date.
UKWPMMP participants who have methyl bromide treated timber material or manufactured articles of wood packaging material in stock after the fumigant withdrawal date will, however, be permitted to use up these stocks and mark the products with the treatment code ‘MB’ accordingly.
ISPM15 Revised (2009) – THE MODEL MARK
I am aware from recent updates from the Assessment Agencies that many of the UKWPMMP participants have been proactive in revising their wood marks in line with the guidance issued on 15th June 2009. For those companies that have still to amend their marks, so that they meet the requirements of the model examples provided in the revised version of ISPM15, they should note that if they have not done so 12 months on from the assessment that took place before 15th June 2009 (the date of the guidance note), we shall have to withdraw approval to apply the mark with immediate effect. We shall write individually to any company to which this applies inviting them to re-apply to join the Programme again once they have made arrangements to update their mark. It should be noted that this will involve the issue of a new producer code.
All UKWPMMP participants MUST HAVE an example of the new model marks in operation by
15 June 2010. Examples of the new model marks
can be seen to the right hand side of this screen for ease of reference.
Yours sincerely
Ian Brownlee
Operations Manager
Forestry Commission
click here
for a copy of this letter.
15th June 2009
ISPM15 Revised (2009) - THE MODEL MARK
Following the country consultation exercise that
took place at the end of last year the final version of the ISPM15 (revised) was published in May 2009 and many of you will have seen a copy of it by now (it can be viewed on the IPPC website at the link shown below). The Advisory Council of the UKWPMMP met on 19 May to consider and agree how the changes to ISPM No.15
are to be implemented in the UK and for your information the minutes of that meeting will be published on both the FC’s and TIMCON’s websites shortly. The FC will then revise the UKWPMMP Plant Health Guide and make any necessary amendments to the Plant Health (Wood Packaging Material Marking) (Forestry) (Order) 2006.
However, in advance of this work, as there is some confusion on the guidance provided in the revised version of ISPM15 concerning what should and should not be included in the new model mark we are issuing clarification of the requirements now. These instructions aim to avoid wood packaging material
manufacturers purchasing stencils, stamps and branding iron templates, which would not be acceptable.
The Advisory Council agreed that with immediate effect new members joining the UKWPMMP must use the new style of mark. For existing members the Advisory Council agreed a transition period whereby new format marks must be available for approval at the next assessment, or no later than one year from the date of
the last. We recognise, however, that programme members may wish to amend their marks at the earliest opportunity. Please, however, note the footnote on page 13 of ISPM15 (revised) which states – 'At import, countries should accept previously produced wood packaging material carrying a mark consistent with
earlier versions of this standard’.
source -
IPPC Website
An example of the new mark is attached to this letter for information.
Variations in the layout of the mark are also attached in a PDF Format Click
here .
Please note that only the information set out in the Annex (IPPC logo, Country Code, Producer code starting with the letters ‘FC’ and Treatment code either ‘HT’ or ‘MB’) are to be included within the border, which is now a mandatory component of the mark. No other information such as Forestry Commission name or logo or company names or logos are to be included within box
outlining the mark. As ALL wood packaging material must now be debarked within defined tolerances, the code “DB” is no longer required and should not be included.
Should you have any enquiries about the new mark please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Ian Brownlee
Operations Manager
Forestry Commission