The UK Wood Packaging Material Marking Programme
Exporters Guide

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China (Back)
China - officially implemented ISPM15 on 1st of January 2006

April 2 2013
Changes to Import Procedures for Stone products from China

The Forestry Commission (FC) in liaison with Border Force and HMRC will amend Customs import procedures to ensure that the clearance of all stone products from China with Commodity Codes 2514 (Slate), 2515 (Marble), 2516 (Granite), 6801 (Flagstone) and 6802 (Building stone) will be inhibited pending a percentage physical examination. The checks are in response to new EU legislation (Commission Implementing Decision 2013/92/EU) to protect the EU from Asian Longhorn Beetle being imported from China in wood packaging material which provides a pathway for the pest.

From 2nd April 2013 The National Clearance Hub (HMRC) will hold all entries of stone products originating in China with commodity codes 2514, 2515, 2516, 6801 and 6802, and the customs entries will only be released after a Forestry Commission inspection has been carried out and/or the necessary quarantine release certificate (QRC) is endorsed by FC Inspectors and presented with the import entry. Importers will need to complete an ‘Inspection Request’ (also used as the QRC) document.

Contact details (Click here) of Local Forestry Commission Plant Health Inspectors at Points of Entry

Inspection request form (pdf) - (Click here)

Word version - (Click here)

Copies of all Inspection request forms must also be sent to the Plant Health Service, Edinburgh via email at –' , or by fax to 0131 314 6148. It is absolutely essential that all Inspection Request forms submitted include details of the Customs Entry Number and date.

Exports to China - Issues over the 'Re-Use' of Wood Packaging Material - Update (2 August 2011)

At the end of June we advised UKWPMMP members of an issue in China whereby AQSIQ inspectors were intercepting consignments from Europe because articles of wood packaging material were being found to have country ISO codes within ISPM15 marks that did not relate to the country of re-export. The example given involved a German 'DE' marked pallet which had been air-freighted to China from Austria (AT) and therefore it was deemed to be non-complaint.

Having raised the issue as a Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) matter with the Chinese Authorities as one in which their approach did not reflect the guidance provided in ISPM15 regarding the re-use of wood packaging material, the European Commission has advised us that the matter has now been resolved and AQSIQ representatives have provided the following statement -

'Wood packaging material

AQSIQ agrees with the EU interpretation of ISPM 15, they will issue a notice to CIQs to clarify that wood packaging material ISPM compliant can be accepted even if its origin is not from the country of expedition. EU should signal problems if they remain.'

UK exporters are therefore asked to note that the problem has been resolved but that they should continue to report any instances where barriers to export of compliant ISPM15 wood packaging material remain in China.

Exports to China - Issues over the 'Re-Use' of Wood Packaging Material (June 23rd 2011)

We have recently been made aware via a major international freight forwarding company that AQSIQ inspectors in China are intercepting consignments from Europe because articles of wood packaging material are being found to have country ISO codes within the ISPM. 15 mark that do not relate to the country of re-export. The example given involved a German 'DE' marked pallet which had been air-freighted to China from Austria (AT) and therefore it was deemed to be non-complaint.

Through its contacts with the British Embassy in Beijing the Forestry Commission's Plant Health Service advised AQSIQ representatives in China that as para 4.3.1 of ISPM 15 makes it clear that if an article of wood packaging material is simply being 're-used' and shipped from one country to another and then another - no further official intervention is required. It is only in instances where the WPM is being repaired or remanufactured that official intervention in the form of re-treatment or remarking is necessary.

In their response AQSIQ officials commented that wood packaging material must be re-treated and re-marked in the country of re-export, regardless the fact that it was treated and marked in the country of origin before.

Given the difference of opinion on the 're-use' definition for wood packaging material within ISPM15, which is affecting exporters in a number of EU member States, the UK's National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) is liaising with the European Commission with a view to raising the matter as a challenge through Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) or bilateral processes.

Whilst the process of an EC or bilateral challenge is being considered, UKWPMMP members are advised to note the situation and to inform their exporting clients of the fact that articles of wood packaging material bearing a country ISO Code within the ISPM15 mark, which does not relate to the country of re-export, then AQSIQ Inspectors may intercept it and order remedial fumigation action.

The Forestry Commission's Plant Health Service will advise UKWPMMP members, via TIMCON, of the outcome of any EC or bilateral challenge to China as soon as the results are known.

Notice 11 (see Clarification Note) and Notice 32. China continues to encourage exporters to use the 'Declaration of use of non wood packaging material'.

See details here in the Phyto News.
The Forestry Commission has decided to cease issuing phytosanitary Certificates for ISPM15 Wood material, from immediate effect. Please read information above.
(Last Updated: 02/04/2013)

UKWPMMP - 9 Cartwright Court, Cartwright Way, Bardon Hill, Leicester, LE67 1UE, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 116 274 7357, Fax: +44 116 274 7365, Email:
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